Published: 28. May 2009

Personal Branding

Ortwin Oberhauser Avatar
Ortwin Oberhauser

Every one can build his own Personal Brand. Building your own personal Brand has never been more easy than it is today, Web 2.0 with it’s all unlimited opportunities gives you the possibility to be what ever you want to be.

Building Personal Brand Within the Social Media Landscape – Gary Vaynerchuk (Wine Library)

Author: Ortwin Oberhauser

BSc Applied Computer Science
SEM / SEO & Conversion Optimization Geek

Founder of
Co Founder of International Film & Digital Solution Agency
film production . web design . app & web development data driven performance search & social media marketing ai and search engine content & visibility optimization conversion optimizing . datacenter for web data analytics
Bahnhofstraße 10 . 6900 Bregenz . Austria

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One response to “Personal Branding”

  1. Jeremy Waite Avatar

    I’ve followed Gary Vee for sometime and he is my #1 inspiration. Encouraging people to be real / authentic and genuine on-line is where it’s at. Too many people still treat the web like another vehicle for press releases – throwing stuff at us that we wouldn’t want in an email, press release or piece of junk mail.

    In the words of Gary Vee – the best web guys treat the internet like a cocktail party. They are fun. They are interesting. The don’t talk about themselves all the time. They are like the big fat Italian uncle that sits in the corner telling stories!

    That, I think, is the secret to on-line success.

    Great link – thanks for posting.


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