The 1st Austrian SEO Conference “SEOkomm” was a fully successful SEO event.
My review of the SEOkomm 2010.
The echo from the SEO community regarding the SEOkomm is with one accord positive. In future the the German speaking SEO scene will not only for skiing and snowboarding visit Austria, the “Who’s Who” of german speaking SEO specialists will from now on meet once a year at the SEOkomm in Salzburg to interchange there SEO know-how.
For a long time the Austrians had no real SEO Conference.
While in Germany, several top-class SEO events , such as: the SMX Munich, the SEO Campixx Berlin and the SEMSEO Abacus Hannover, to name just three, have taken place. There has been not one comparable SEO event in Austria.
At the SEO SMX conference in Munich in March 2010 @ulef Ulf Weihbold from Linz, asked all Austria visitors via Twitter for a group photo outside the entrance.
Hi:), I thought at that time, that there will not come more than 4 Austrian SEOs who could get photographed. In fact, there were more than 10 Austrians SEOs who attended the SMX. The entrance fee for 2 days at the SMX in Munich is around 1000, – €. I think, who affords such a SEO conference visit, is actually already really seriously interested in SEO.
The fact that over 10 Austrian SEOs had traveled to the SMX Munich, was already an indication that the entire Austrian SEO scene had to be much larger than it was widely believed.
At the SMX Party the Austrian SEOs then talked about, that there should be a SEO conferene in Austria too.
Oliver Hauser had launched early in 2010 a SEO round table in Salzburg. To this SEO Event the Austrian SEO elite found together for the first time in Salzburg. This was indeed a good start, but it was not a full-fledged Austrian SEO conference.
Who would have thought in this days, that Oliver, Hans-Peter and Christoph will pluck up courage to create such a Top SEO Event in Austria.
Level Seven, led by Oliver Hauser and Hans-Peter Traunig together with Christoph Cemper – have established with success a SEO conference in Austria which need not fear the comparison with German and international SEO conferences. On the contrary, the german speaking Seologists agree, that the SEOkomm was without doubt an absolute top SEO conference and at least from my point of view in the second half of 2010, one of the best if not the best SEO event in the German-speaking Europe.
The feedback from the scene on Twitter were fantastic. Hundreds of SEO Tweeters have expressed their gratitude for the successful event on Twitter.
Also I want thank Oliver, Hans-Peter and Christoph for the successful SEO Conference.
Too, an especially big thank goes to Uschi Hauser for the great photos.
I had the pleasure to do my speech about Realtime Search and Mobile Search with Pelle Boese (
Pelle Boese is often wrongly confused with the “böse SEO” – Dominik Wojcik. The “böse SEO” translated into english would mean something like “the evil SEO” ;-). But in truth Dominik and Pelle are both nice guys and what was in fact much more importent for the SEOkomm Party is that Pelle and his band can do amazing rock music, as the following video from the SEOkomm party proves 😉 :
I’m looking forward to the next SEOkomm SEO Conference in Austria 2011! I Will definitely participate in the SEOkomm 2011 too.
Who is interested in Real Time Search can download the slides from my speech as PDF >> Everyone is a publisher today!
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