The International Guest Certified Hotel Award is particularly valuable for hotels, as it is not assigned by professional jurors but directly by the guests as a sign of their confidence.
The assignment of the International Guest Certified Award is based upon a very simple question:
If guests prefer a certain hotel and are prepared to recommend it to other guests as a kind of “insiders’ tip”, the answer will be “YES!” and the hotel will receive the International Guest Certified Award.

It is a fact that 70 % of all booking decisions are made on account of trust. This trust emanates from an emotional level. Thus, it makes sense if hotels that are emotionally fit show this to their guests. In order to do this they need interceders, because self praise is no recommendation.
International Guest Certified Hotels provide affiliated partner hotels with these interceders, that is to say with guests who sense all emotional attributes – hospitality, guest confidence, appreciation, acceptance, joy, fun, safety, well-being and security. Services, which usually can’t or can hardly be perceived, but the transparency of which is all the more important, can consequently be made visible.

There are a lot of management consultants who like to disguise themselves as guests in order to act as mystery guests for hoteliers. These very elaborate and often costly analyses, which in many cases are of an almost scientific nature, cannot hide the fact that the results of these analyses do not come from real guest perceptions, but in fact merely mirror each management consultant’s opinion.
International Guest Certified Hoteliers prefers to obtain the guest feedback for there Hotels from real guests, therefore they decide to become a part of the International Guest Certified Hotels Community.

This 1st community of “active hospitality” [International NGO founded 2004] is substantially different from most organizations which usually award mentions in the hotel and catering sector because it was founded by guests instead of by hoteliers.

Be it stars, suns or smileys, most quality awards in the hotel sector tend to refer to a factual level, because this is what can very easily be perceived at first glance. This means more and better equipment = more stars, more suns, more smileys. Most organizations are not or only to a limited extent able to also recognize as a quality criterion and assess the emotional level, that is active hospitality, authenticity, appreciation, joy, fun, well-being, comfort and other qualities which are characteristic of the emotional competency of a guesthouse, but are quite difficult to measure.

The questions as to whether there is active hospitality in a hotel and whether you can really feel well in a hotel cannot be answered by hotel brochures or websites either.
For the reasons described above and because quality anyway depends on whether the guests’ expectations are met and not on the expectations of a professional commitee or of professional jurors who might sometimes be complacent, hotel guests have decided to take matters into their own hands.
Is your hotel an “oases of hospitality”? Please feel free to contact me me and lets speak about how your Hotel can become International Guest Certified Hotels.

If guests book a room in an International Guest Certified Hotel, they know that guests have tested the hotel, found it good, labeled and certified it as a very popular hotel. The permission to use the “International Guest Certified Hotels” Lable will high up your conversion rate.
The International Guest Certified Hotel Certification and the distinction with the International Guest Certified Hotel Award can make your hotel more interesting for future guests and your hotel will gain new guests through the Certification.
Photos from the International Guest Certified Hotel Award Honoring
Palazzo Papaleo Hotel Palazzo Papaleo * * * * *

Otranto, province Lecce in Apulien, South italy
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