Published: 31. May 2010

Google Nike shoes – shoes for SEOs

Ortwin Oberhauser Avatar
Ortwin Oberhauser

The new Google Nike shoes – shoes for SEOs 😉

I would like buy such Google SEO shoes 😉 does anybody know where I can get them?

Google Nike shoes
Google Nike shoes
Author: Ortwin Oberhauser

BSc Applied Computer Science
SEM / SEO & Conversion Optimization Geek

Founder of
Co Founder of International Film & Digital Solution Agency
film production . web design . app & web development data driven performance search & social media marketing ai and search engine content & visibility optimization conversion optimizing . datacenter for web data analytics
Bahnhofstraße 10 . 6900 Bregenz . Austria

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13 responses to “Google Nike shoes – shoes for SEOs”

  1. bl Avatar

    I need them so bad 🙂 I love nike and I'm a SEO so that would be perfect.
    Hope they aren't a fake though

  2. Taedertot Avatar

    where can i get them!!

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  5. Zzettle16 Avatar

    where do i buy theres shoes please help!

  6. Jfk Avatar

    i will comit suicide if i dont get them

  7.  Avatar

    NIKE cell phones

  8. Ashutosh Avatar

    The shoe in the picture is not real shoe. Look at the multicolored shoe laces. If you see this carefully, you will find that It is a computer modified image of a normal shoe.

  9. Travisjfisher Avatar

    look closely at the google logo on the shoe…theres no shadow where it curves a little bit

  10. Matthewduncan1996 Avatar

    actually there about $200-$300

  11.  Avatar

    Nice shoes. It has fine different colours in one pair. It’s pattern is good. I like this shoes. I have never seen this type of shoes. This is Nike’s shoes, so we can put trust on this shoes.

  12. Vinay Nallamothu Avatar

    where do i get this shoes in india hyderabad i lyk to own dem badly

  13. Domolover Avatar

    hot shoes r they i  see you I will get them if it the last thing I do OK don’t by them but i still like peanut butter do u like them because if you dont i will put peanut butter in a sock and smack u with it haha

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