Published: 6. March 2011

Eric Schmidt speech at the IAB Annual Leadership Meeting 2011

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Ortwin Oberhauser
Eric Schmidt CEO Google
Eric Schmidt CEO Google

Google CEO Eric Schmidt was the keynote speaker at the Internet Advertising Bureau Annual Leadership meeting in Palm Springs, California on February 27, 2011.

Eric begins by speaking about “Joe Morning” statement that computers are “cold companions to humans.” Eric says Joe Morning is wrong. “Computers do what computers do best; humans do what humans do best.” So net is a win for humanity.

Eric Schmidt too speaks about the Power of the Mobile web us in Internet Advertising,
In his speech, he makes strong use of statistics gained from the recent Super Bowl and how
the extremely expensive advertisements affected mobile search displaying a powerful impact.

Mobile searches spiked 200% for Chrysler during Super Bowl and just 48% on PCs.

American spends about a third of their media time online. Kids in future will be always online. Smart phones surpassed PCs two weeks ago. Mobile first! Develop first for the mobile web and then worry about web.

Three bets:

  • Everything is changing.
  • Our intuition about future is linear, but IT grows exponentially.
  • The new online advertising models are real time, iterative and happening now, it occurs live.

Eric Schmidt note Chrome is growing as fast as Twitter and Android has beaten iPhone and it looks like that will continue.

You are in online marketing? Than listen to this speech of Eric Schmidt very closely, there are lot of information that will give you an idea about what will be the next trends in online marketing.

Author: Ortwin Oberhauser

BSc Applied Computer Science
SEM / SEO & Conversion Optimization Geek

Founder of
Co Founder of International Film & Digital Solution Agency
film production . web design . app & web development data driven performance search & social media marketing ai and search engine content & visibility optimization conversion optimizing . datacenter for web data analytics
Bahnhofstraße 10 . 6900 Bregenz . Austria

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